Quality of Work Life studies are increasingly gaining the attention of entrepreneurs due to their usefulness in increasing productivity as well as job satisfaction of workers. With this in mind an attempt was made in this study to assess quality of work life of employees in the industrial estates of Kerala by interviewing respondents guarantees Phd Thesis In Quality Of Worklife that the delivered paper, be it an essay or a dissertation will be % plagiarism-free, double checked and scanned meticulously. Executive Priority Resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn Phd Thesis In Quality Of Worklife profile, created by an executive writer Expert essay writers: Individuals who are expert Phd Thesis On Quality Of Worklife in their individual fields and know what Phd Thesis On Quality Of Worklife they are doing. Customer support all-time availability: Our customer support representatives are available 24/7 Phd Thesis On Quality Of Worklife for your help, be it night or day
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Items in Shodhganga are protected by copyright, with all rights reserved, unless otherwise indicated. Shodhganga : a reservoir of Indian theses INFLIBNET The Shodhganga INFLIBNET Centre provides a platform for research students to deposit their Ph.
theses and make it available to the entire scholarly community in open access. Shodhganga Mirror Site. Shodhganga INFLIBNET Mahatma Gandhi University Department of Commerce and Research Centre.
Show full item record. Quality of work life in the Phd thesis in quality of worklife Estates of Kerala. Baby, M D. Quality of Work Life Measurement of QWL SSI Units Factors of QWL Categories of QWL commerce Industrial Estates. Quality of Work Life studies are increasingly gaining the attention of entrepreneurs due to their usefulness in increasing productivity as well as job satisfaction of workers.
With this in mind an attempt was made in this study to assess quality of work life of employees in the industrial estates of Kerala by interviewing respondents selected by following multi-stage random sampling.
Richard Walton s eight point factors have been used for measuring QWL. It was found that the socio-economic background of the employees in the industrial estate is not satisfactory for economic development. Employees are not satisfied with their compensation, opportunity to use and develop their capacities, opportunities for continued growth and security, constitutionalism in the work organisation, and their work and total life space.
Regarding the other factors of QWL they have average level of satisfaction, phd thesis in quality of worklife. On the basis of attitude of employees in the conventional major industrial estates, phd thesis in quality of worklife, there are two categories of QWL. The first category of QWL is moulded by all factors, while the second category is mainly based on safe and healthy working condition. Since safe and healthy working condition has important roles in both categories of QWL, it can be stated that this factor is the most deciding factor of QWL in industrial estates of Kerala.
The first category of the quality of work life, which is more important, is depending on sex, age, education, terms of employment, nature of job, experience, income, nature of organisation, products manufactured by the units, and nature of sales of the unit.
The second category of the quality of work life is depending on age of the employees, terms of employment, nature of job, income of the employees and nature of ownership of the organisation. Department of Commerce and Research Centre.
Statistical Tests: Choosing which statistical test to use
, time: 9:33Shodhganga@INFLIBNET: Quality of work life in the Industrial Estates of Kerala

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