This article reviews existing research on the implementation of IT Service Management (ITSM) and the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL). The aim of this literature review is threefold. First, we want to provide an updated overview o f ITSM and ITIL that captures the research activities in th ese rapidly evolving areas The service management literature argues that customer satisfaction is the result of a customer’s perception of the value received in a transaction or relationship – where value equals perceived service quality relative to price and customer acquisition costs (see Blanchard and Galloway, ; Heskett et al., ) – relative to the value 4 A BRIEF REVIEW OF SERVICE DELIVERY CONCEPTS. A literature review This note is an attempt to summarise ideas and issues arising from a general but rapid review of literature on service delivery models and concepts. It aims to identify some of the key debates, terminologies and examples that may be relevant or offer insights into
It Service Management In A Cloud Environment A Literature Review
Customer satisfaction is an ambiguous, abstract and confusing concept. Customer satisfaction refers to the extent to which customers are happy and delighted with the products and services provided by a business. In other words satisfaction is the state of mind felt by a person who experienced service management literature review performance of product or service that has fulfilled his or her expectations. Satisfaction is thus a combination of relative level of expectations and perceived performance.
Customer Satisfaction with a purchase depends on the product and service real performance relative to customer expectations. If performance of product and services matches expectations the Customer is satisfied1.
Expectations are a unavoidable part of purchase decision of customers. Every time a customer makes a purchase, there are certain inbuilt expectations. Satisfaction results when those expectations are met. For example, when a hungry employee goes to a restaurant for lunch, he could be having the following expectations:. A meal of rice, bread and lentils Dal that will be tasty and filling. Being served within ten minutes.
The basis on which these expectations may have been formed could be through old experience at other restaurants. They could also have been formed owing to the promotional claims made by the restaurants.
Some time expectation may also formed when peer group recommend certain product or services. Abstract : Academic and corporate interest in customer satisfaction has risen considerably in recent years. This can be seen by the service management literature review of papers published in the related field, service management literature review.
To explore the field further, the purpose of this paper is service management literature review. First, it offers a literature review on customer satisfaction taking various papers published into account.
Second, service management literature review, it offers a conceptual framework to summarize the research in this field comprising three parts. As starting point related triggers are identified. This allows putting forward three distinct strategies: customer satisfaction to create loyalty, Impact of service quality on customer satisfaction and customer satisfaction and price tolerance.
Concept of value addition through innovation to create satisfaction is also covered by author. Author has examined the body of relevant conceptual and empirical works in top management outlets, as well as specialty outlets.
Both practitioners in companies and academics might find the review useful, as it service management literature review major lines of research in the field. Further, it discusses specific features of customer satisfaction and develops a new model; this should stimulate further research.
Key Words: Customer Satisfaction; Loyalty; Price Tolerance; Service Quality HFSS Software etc. A growing number of companies are offering some form of stress management intervention. However, for those seeking to introduce stress management activities, too little in the way of guidance and direction has been service management literature review. This analysis aims service management literature review help organizations service management literature review understand the sources and dynamics of stress at the worksite and examines how they can reasonably assess, implement, and evaluate their stress management options.
This analysis examines the inter-relationships of role conflict, role ambiguity, work-family conflict, emotional exhaustion, service management literature review satisfaction and propensity to leave in a sales environment. However, customer satisfaction may be effected by factors that are not concerned with the core offering. In the above example of the hungry worker going to a restaurant, the worker could still-not satisfy despite the expectations mentioned below being met:.
Number of Diptera converges on his plate while he is eating. It takes the restaurant 10 minutes to prepare his bill. For example, children frequently visiting McDonalds are satisfied not by the food offered by McDonalds, but often because of the free gifts that accompany the meal.
So, what is clear about customer satisfaction is that customers are most likely to appreciate the goods and services that they buy if they are made to feel special. Gaining high levels of customer satisfaction is important to a business because satisfied customers will be loyal one and use a wide range of product and services offered by a business, service management literature review.
As a result, the literature is replete with different conceptual and operational definitions of consumer satisfaction. Below are the few conceptual definitions of Consumer Satisfaction:. Oliver The consumer's fulfillment response. It is a judgment that a product or service feature, or the product or service itself, provided or is providing a pleasurable level of, service management literature review.
Mano and Oliver Product satisfaction is an attitude - like post-consumption evaluative judgment Hunt varying along the hedonic continuum Oliver ; Westbrook and Oliver p. Fornell An overall post-purchase evaluation p. Post-purchase perceived product performance compared. Concluded that satisfaction is a summary attribute phenomenon coexisting with other consumption emotions p. On the basis of above mentioned Table 1 we can analyze that some of the definitions provided in the consumer satisfaction literature are fundamentally different with one another.
In other cases, the definitions have overlapping components but are partially different. Consumer satisfaction is a either emotional response or cognitive response. The response occurs at a particular time after consumption of product and service, after selection, based on accumulated experience, etc.
The response occurs after a series of comparison and evaluation Comparison with pre-purchase expectations ;and. The response is related with a particular central aspect product, service, consumption experience, service management literature review, etc.
However, purchase experiences are service management literature review isolated, they occur within specific contexts or environments. For example, service management literature review, customers at CCD are satisfied owing to the experience that it offers, service management literature review, apart from the coffee.
Providing benefits above and beyond what the customer is even aware of through innovation and proper value addition can create a loyal customer See Saxena, 4. The literature pertaining to relationships among customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, and profitability has two dimenstions: The first, service management literature, proposes that customer satisfaction influences customer loyalty, which in turn affects profitability.
Supporter of this theory include researchers such as Gummesson 5; Heskett et al. Research Work, BU Bhopal, Page No. These researchers discuss the links between satisfaction, loyalty, and profitability. Nelson et al. The Bank Administration Institute has also examined and evaluate these ideas, in particular Roth and van der Velde The second relevant literature is found in the marketing domain.
It discusses the impact of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty. The marketing literature suggests that customer loyalty can be defined in two distinct ways Jacoby and Kyner, service management literature review, The first defines loyalty as an attitude. Fornier The second definition of loyalty is behavioral. The behavioural view of loyalty is similar to loyalty as defined in the service management literature. This study examines behavioural, rather than attitudinal, loyalty such as intent to repurchase.
Examples of loyalty behavior include continuing to purchase services from the same supplier, increasing the scale and or scope of a relationship, or the act of recommendation Yi, Both the service management and the marketing literatures suggest that there is a strong theoretical underpinning for an empirical exploration of the linkages among customer satisfaction, customer loyalty.
Jr and Schlesinger, L. and Sasser, service management literature review, W. and Berry, L. and van der Velde M. and Kyner, D. Unsatisfied customers are not loyal customers, thus customer satisfaction is seen as a key performance indicator within business. Author has observed that Customer satisfaction has a significantly positive direct impact on customer loyalty.
Thus, as the level of customer satisfaction increases, the level of customer loyalty increases. Customer satisfaction inversely influences customer complaints. Thus, as the level of customer satisfaction increases, the level service management literature review customer complaints decreases.
Customer complaints have significantly inverse impact on customer loyalty. Thus, as the level of customer complaints increases, the level of customer loyalty decreases. Quality is an ambiguous and indistinct construct.
The quality of a product or services can be its ability to ensure complete customer satisfaction and will depend upon the use of a product or service. According to Gronroos Service quality is the result of an evaluation process of a circumstance in which customer compares their perceptions of service delivery and its outcome against what they expect. In the web environment, the web user interface can be identified as a service and user as customer of service.
They brows, or surf the internet, access, retrieve, save and share information; interact with other over the internet; order product, service or trade stock and obtain entertainment. The quality of this service plays a greater role than the quality of service to customer in other sectors, such as transport or hotels, or the customer service of a mobile store.
Firstly, customers of traditional service usually experience the service quality after they have committed to the organizations. In the case of the telecommunication there is very less interaction between customer and service provider; since there is no face to face human interaction in the environment, and service adjustments based on verbal and non verbal cues are not evidence. Thus the design of the telecom services is crucial importance in delivering service and satisfying customers, service management literature review.
According to Ishikwa, fulfillment of quality elements like Selling point and characteristics of product such as ease of use and excellence design that makes it superior to the other company offerings, provides positive customer satisfaction, service management literature review.
Satisfaction can be considered at two levels: the transaction or encounter level and overall complete satisfaction Bitner and Hubbert, Thus, Quality appears to be only one of the service factors contributing to the customer's satisfaction judgments Cronin and Taylor, Spreng and Mackoywho test a modified version of a model proposed by Oliver that sought to integrate the satisfaction and service quality literature, also provide support for service quality as being an precedent to satisfaction.
More recently, this relationship has also been accepted from a study in a health-care setting by Deruyter et al. Iacobucci et al. They argue that quality improvements that are not based on customer needs will not lead to improved customer satisfaction.
, time: 2:16:33Literature Review On Customer Management And Customer Retention
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