Very insightful post. I really appreciate that you, Lamar and Ronnie, shared it and shed light on an important topic. Even though I don’t have kids of my own, I do feel that men should never abandon their children, no matter the circumstance. If a man didn’t want to have a child with a particular woman, he should of wore a condom Apr 27, · I recently joined Netflix to watch a series, and I didn’t ‘binge’ it because I had things in my life to do, those life goals, but I still watched the whole thing. At the very least 10 hours of my time was gone, but I enjoyed it. Here are some of my thoughts. 1. I Sep 09, · 10 reasons why school was actually a pretty good deal. to at school. Time to ride your bike, to sit around watching films, to have sleepovers, and then the last day to do your homework. Teachers. Believe it or not, I miss teachers. I actually have decided to do enjoy my school days because I'm often told by adults that 'you're not going
10 reasons why school was actually a pretty good deal | LearnEnglish Teens - British Council
Sharing insights since on carefully saving money, investing, frugal living, coupons, promo codes because the little things matter in achieving financial freedom! by Vered DeLeeuw · 36 comments. Two of our writers recently shared their experience with giving their kids a monthly stipend.
Perhaps you should consider offering some money to your kids regularly too! My husband and I started giving our children, ages 8 and 10, a monthly allowance a couple of years ago. Now that I see how valuable having their own money is, how helpful it is in teaching them important lessons and concepts in personal finance, I regret not starting sooner! Here are my top reasons for giving my children a monthly allowance. An allowance is one of the best tools we have for teaching our kids the concept of budgeting.
You can go to a store and give them a budget for that store, and it will work too. I often do that. But a regular, monthly allowance works nicely because it consistently reinforces the idea that they have a budget, and they need to find a way to fit their monthly purchases into that budget because if they spend it all on the first day of the month, they would need to wait an entire month until they have money again.
This is one of my favorite reasons for giving an allowance. Now that they get an allowance, 10 reasons should do my homework, we still buy their necessities food, of course, basic clothing and shoes, school supplies, and books but they need to pay for the extras. What are the extras?
Extras include Nintendo games, a Webkinz membership, fashion accessories, candy, and any other purchase which is not a necessity. The beauty of the allowance system is that when it comes out of their own pockets, the children are much more selective about their purchases. They may also earn extra money when they do extra chores beyond their daily chores.
Since we buy the basics, this gives them a nice amount of cash, especially if they manage to 10 reasons should do my homework. For example, one of my kids used to always forget her jacket at school.
Last year, I told her that she may lose a jacket ONCE and we will buy her a new jacket. After all, we all make mistakes. But if she loses it more than once, she would have to participate in the purchase of a new jacket. Kids have so little independence these days. An allowance is a wonderful way to give them complete control over something and enable them to make their own decisions.
They love this independence and they absolutely do not abuse it — on the contrary, they are very responsible with their money and they spend it carefully and wisely. My son celebrated his 15 th birthday at the end of January, which means he got a raise. My daughter, whose birthday is in April, will soon be getting one.
What am I talking about? They both have household responsibilities that must be completed to earn their allowance each week. We increase the amount each year on their birthday, 10 reasons should do my homework, as well as try to find a new responsibility to add.
Kids tend to take the basics of life maintenance for granted. Clean clothes show up in their closet, and food magically appears at mealtime. The sooner they learn the basic skills of taking care of themselves, the better. We all daydream about the things we could have one day. Sometimes we put a plan into action to save up and purchase the items in our daydreams. Both of our kids have saved up their allowance to purchase various things for themselves, 10 reasons should do my homework.
They calculate how long they have to save and must make decisions about whether to spend their funds on going to a movie or football game — and thereby delay reaching their goal. Our son is already showing signs of it.
Recently, he was telling me the things he wants to buy for his computer and how much they cost. It sounds like our allowance over the years has been money well spent. Tagged as: BudgetingKids and Money. Our 6 year old gets a weekly allowance, 10 reasons should do my homework, but I agree with previous posters — a monthly allowance sounds like a better idea because of the budgeting and delayed gratification aspect of it.
We also have basic chores that our 6 year old does and those do not count towards her allowance or take away from it if they are not done. Everyone in the family is expected to contribute, down to the 18 10 reasons should do my homework old, who is very good at picking up and putting away things already!
I just started an allowance program with both of my kids 6 and 12 years. Before I ever started them on an allowance — we sat down and discussed 10 reasons should do my homework rules and expectations. On our family whiteboard we wrote the rules.
Also, 10 reasons should do my homework, I have 2 baggies of money posted next to the rules with their names on it.
I wanted to also show them that they still have to contribute with or without a money incentive. Stealing is NOT acceptable and comes with serious concequences. Every sunday night they 10 reasons should do my homework their money bags which we call pay day. depending on their behavior. The reason why I put it in clear baggy is for them to get a clear visual of how much money they have been earning or loosing for the week.
Once they get their money they can put it in their wallets or piggy bank in their room for savings or purchases they want to make. Once the bill is paid off — then they can start recieving money again. They are only allowed to have 1 loan at a time. It has saved me from the little pleads of surpies, video games and music downloads. Glad to see other parents are using allowances.
I love this post! Giving them monthly allowance would be a wise step. This would help parents stay within the family budget better, and the kids learn about saving and money management earlier. Giving kids their monthly allowance is actually the best way to teach them how to be responsible and how to budget their money.
As early as grade school, I already gave my children their monthly allowances so that they can manage their money and their expenses and learn from their mistakes. It is really a good idea to give them the freedom to control their budget. We have yet to pay our 6 or 4 year old girls an allowance, but will start the older onest on one soon. We are still ironing out the wrinkles, but there will certain chores she is expected to do as part of the family.
One thing we are still struggling with is the basic message that this whole arrangement sends to a child. I imagine it can shape their whole future relationship to money. So, we are putting considerable thought into what, if any, conditions we attatch to it. One sort of relationship is entitlement.
They feel entitled to it. Not everyone in their lives is going to pay them just for showing up. Pay them for doing extra chores and you are preparing them for corporate life. So we are toying with the idea of an entrepreneurial model, where we reward them for doing things they like, that we value.
A bit harsh on them? A bit arbitrary? Punishing failure, a bit unpredictable? All those things are true, but of course we have the discretion to massage the figures behind a closed door and ensure an outcome that perhaps teaches them some useful lessons about knowing your customer, managing costs and income and thinking outside the box. I LOVE this reply.
Thank you for sharing! I have been struggling with the two options I have seen as well: 1 give an allowance that is not tied to chores, or 2 give an allowance based on completing the chores. My son is 5 and he recently told me that he wants to start earning money.
I asked him how he wanted to do that, and he said that he wanted to have a cleaning business, 10 reasons should do my homework. So, I am thinking 10 reasons should do my homework we will come up with jobs that are outside of his normal chores which honestly, I am not that great at assigning chores, we all just kind of pitch in and do what needs to be done and paying him for each one that he completes. Or I can offer jobs to him that need to be done, 10 reasons should do my homework.
We can even get our neighbors and other family members involved. I am an entrepreneur and love this idea. Thanks for inspiring me to follow my inner wisdom and flow with this plan. We tried to attach chores to it, like someone above said- each chore had a monetary value. i have autism adhd and asberger i will be getting euros amonth 8o euro amonth school luches 6o amonth pocket money 28 amonth for afterschool club 32 amonth for credit union also ican earn money or nice treats with good test results or 10 reasons should do my homework with my 60 euro a month pocket money i will put away 4 euro for big ticket item 5 euro for holiday 3 euro for chrismas and 3 euro to spend each week.
When I was a kid in the mids I and everyone in my school all got weekly allowances. There might be some benefit to changing it to monthly however. Especially in the economy we have right now, teaching a child how to spend wisely and learn the importance of sacrifice can go a long way. Kids can 10 reasons should do my homework fickle.
We always felt so lucky to have a bit of autonomy. Their primary job was to do well in school, chores did not factor into the allowance. It was a lesson designed to help them eat healthier the stands had mostly fried foods and learn to budget and save.
We hoped this would partially mimick the real world. At the high school level it appears our plan has been a success.
Do Your Homework!
, time: 1:3310 Reasons Why Social Media Is A Negative Influence

Sep 18, · 10 Reasons Why Social Media Is A Negative Influence With the addiction to social media, less time is spent studying and doing homework, and more time is spent scrolling through the latest meme or GIF. With the lack of studying and homework being done, grades of Apr 27, · I recently joined Netflix to watch a series, and I didn’t ‘binge’ it because I had things in my life to do, those life goals, but I still watched the whole thing. At the very least 10 hours of my time was gone, but I enjoyed it. Here are some of my thoughts. 1. I Very insightful post. I really appreciate that you, Lamar and Ronnie, shared it and shed light on an important topic. Even though I don’t have kids of my own, I do feel that men should never abandon their children, no matter the circumstance. If a man didn’t want to have a child with a particular woman, he should of wore a condom
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