Good Hook For A Persuasive Essay They might be able to understand all the material perfectly and to complete all Good Hook For A Persuasive Essay other assignments well. But still, their inability to write strong essays (and other types of papers) could affect their academic performance, making it very challenging to maintain good grades Feb 08, · The success of choosing types of essay topics, setting the right tone, and making a good persuasive essay hook depends on how well you understand your audience! Every group of people, every generation – they all speak their own language and your main task as a writer is to use the right language to keep your target audience blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins How To Write A Good Persuasive Essay (Guide ) As its name implies, the main task of a persuasive essay is to convert a certain idea to the reader and make him take your side, using facts, logic, and descriptions of situations that are relevant to the main topic of a writing piece
Top Essay Hook Examples
The "hook" statement in persuasive writing is the phrase that grabs your readers and keeps them engaged in the argument you present. There are a a good hook for a persuasive essay of hooks you can use in persuasive essays; all are engaging, and all are attention-getting.
However, before selecting one, you should carefully consider the audience you want to persuade. The audience you are addressing decides in large part what kind of hook you will use to grab attention. It's important that the tones of your hook and essay match, and that your hook supports your main argument. With a persuasive piece that addresses a serious problem, a good hook for a persuasive essay, with no room for light humor, the hook should be a startling fact or statistic: "Twenty innocent children died in the horrific killings at Sandy Hook Elementary School, and yet not one new gun control law has been enacted as yet.
If your audience will respond to a person of authority, a a good hook for a persuasive essay quote or statement from another is an excellent hook if it connects well to your persuasive thesis. For example, you might begin, "Derek Bok once said, 'If you think education is expensive, try ignorance. You have presented them with a simple formula -- education versus ignorance -- that will be easy for a wide range of audiences to understand.
An excellent all-purpose hook, particularly if you're not sure of your audience, is an engaging question: "If your computer were permanently shut off tomorrow, would you do something else with your life or just stare at the screen? Hyperbole -- that is, exaggeration -- works well as a hook too: "Do you hear the scraping, the groaning, the sounds of stumbling hooves, the moos and bleats? It's our student body, heading to a too-short, too-crowded lunch. The use of a hook simplifies the construction of your introductory paragraph.
The hook immediately sets the tone of the essay and points the way to the problem your essay will address. Your thesis should follow in the next sentence if possible. This two-sentence opener will be brief and engaging, and it will draw the reader into the body of your essay, your argument.
Michael Stratford is a National Board-certified and Single Subject Credentialed teacher with a Master of Science in educational rehabilitation University of Montana, He has taught English at the level for more than 20 years. He has written extensively in literary criticism, student writing syllabi and numerous classroom educational paradigms.
Regardless of how old we are, we never stop learning. Classroom is the educational resource for people of all ages. Based on the Word Net lexical database for the English Language. See disclaimer. Tips on the Hook Statement in Persuasive Writing MICHAEL STRATFORD 26 SEP CLASS. Explore a good hook for a persuasive essay article The Serious Hook: Your Words The Serious Hook: Another's Words Lighter Hooks Your Introduction. references 1 Portland Public Schools: Hooks and Leads in Persuasive Writing 2 Purdue Online Writing Lab: Argumentative Essays 3 Purdue Owl Engagement: Organizing the Essay.
About the Author Michael Stratford is a National Board-certified and Single Subject Credentialed teacher with a Master of Science in educational rehabilitation University of Montana, a good hook for a persuasive essay, Related Articles. Classroom About Contact Feedback Legal Accessibility Terms of Use Privacy Policy Copyright Policy Manage Preferences.
Argumentative Essay- Introduction (Hooks)
, time: 6:35Tips on the Hook Statement in Persuasive Writing | Synonym
How To Write A Good Persuasive Essay (Guide ) As its name implies, the main task of a persuasive essay is to convert a certain idea to the reader and make him take your side, using facts, logic, and descriptions of situations that are relevant to the main topic of a writing piece Oct 18, · For example, anecdotes don’t work for writing a critical précis, but they would catch readers of dialectic essays. Quotes and questions are perfect hooks for novel critiques or persuasive essays, while facts or statistics fit argumentative essays best. Don’t start your essay with a great hook simply because it’s great Oct 15, · A good hook for a persuasive essay Tomas October 15, Learn to find a persuasive speech, the five paragraph essay. Persuasive/Opinion/Argument essay even when there is often a planning document one has life long benefits
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