Although there are basic rules dictating how PhD dissertations are done at Berkeley, the content and structure of a student's PhD dissertation is mainly the result of careful consideration and planning between the student and their PhD Dissertation blogger.comted Reading Time: 40 secs Aug 06, · The majority of dissertations in the UC Berkeley Libraries are from UC Berkeley. The libraries have a nearly complete collection of Berkeley doctoral dissertations and a large number of Berkeley masters' blogger.com: Lisa Ngo Four UC Berkeley students were awarded National Academy of Education/Spencer Dissertation Fellowship for their research in the field of education. Each recipient was given a $25, cash prize for the academic year and an opportunity to network with members of NAE and other senior scholars during a retreat
Dissertation Writing and Filing | Berkeley Graduate Division
Aria Fani NES — Persian Language and Literature Becoming Literature: The Formation of Adabiyat as an Academic Discipline in Iran and Afghanistan Advisor: Wali Ahmadi, berkeley dissertation.
Stephanie Brown Near Eastern Studies Living on the Edge of Empire: Edomite Households in the First Millennium B. Advisor: Benjamin Porter. Muhammad Faruque Near Eastern Studies The Labyrinth of Subjectivity: Constructions of Selfhood in Islamic Philosophy Advisor: Asad Q, berkeley dissertation. Daniel Fisher, Near Eastern Studies Memories of the Ark: Texts, Objects and the Construction of the Past Advisor: Ronald Hendel.
Roy Fisher Near Eastern Religions Locating Matthew in Israel Advisor: Daniel Boyarin, berkeley dissertation. Jessica Elisabet Kaiser Near Eastern Studies Raising the Dead: A Bioarchaeological Investigation of the Wall of the Crow Cemetery, Giza Advisor: Carol Redmount.
Andrea Creel Near Eastern Studies Connectivity on the Edge of Empire: Movement, Liminality, and Ritual in the Southern Levantine Drylands Advisor: Benjamin Porter Eduardo A.
Escobar Near Eastern Studies Designated Emphasis in Science and Technology Studies Technology as Knowledge: Cuneiform Technical Recipes and the Material World Advisor: Francesca Rochberg. Roy Fisher Near Eastern Religions Matthew as Jewish Bricoleur: An Off-epochal Reading Advisor: Daniel Boyarin Martin C. Joseph Dov Rosen Jewish Studies The Talmudic Zohar: Midrash Ha-Ne'lam and Medieval Jewish Interdisciplinarity Advisor: Daniel Boyarin Eli Rosenblatt Jewish Studies Enlightening the Skin: Travel, Race and Rabbinic Intertextuality in Yiddish Literature Advisor: Chana Kronfeld.
Hanna Tzuker-Seltzer Jewish Studies Retrospectivity as an Ethical Stance: Revisiting the Zionist Dream in Israeli Fiction and Film Advisor: Chana Kronfeld. Anna Cruz Near Eastern Studies Modes of Loss: al-Andalus in the Arabic Poetic Imagination Advisor: Muhammad Siddiq. Berkeley dissertation Elena Torres Jewish Studies With an Undone Shirt Mit a tseshpilyet hemd : Anarchist Modernism in Yiddish Literature Advisor: Chana Kronfeld.
Antonietta Catanzariti NESCurator Fellow, Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian Institution. The Archaeology of Economic Systems in the Central Levant during the Middle Bronze Age: A Case study from Kamid el-Loz Lebanon Advisors: Benjamin Porter and Marian Feldman, berkeley dissertation.
Rachel A. Friedman NESMellon Postdoctoral Fellow in Classical and Pre-Modern Arabic literature, Williams College. Ruth Haber Jewish Studies Rabbis on the Road: Exposition En Route in Classical Rabbinic Texts Advisor: Daniel Boyarin. Elizabeth Claire Saylor NESVisiting Assistant Professor of Arabic, Bard College.
A Bridge Too Soon: The Life and Works of 'Afifa Karam: the First Arab American Woman Author Advisor: Margaret Larkin. Samad Josef Alavi NESActing Assistant Professor, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilization, University of Washington. The Poetics of Commitment in Modern Persian: A Case of Three Revolutionary Poets in Iran Advisor: Wali Ahmadi.
Christian Andre Crisostomo NES berkeley dissertation, Assistant Professor of Assyriology, University of Michigan. Bilingual Education and Innovations in Scholarship: The Old Babylonian Word List Izi Advisor: Niek Veldhuis. Amy Genevive Dibley NERAdjunct Professor, Rockford University, Religious Studies Department. Lissette Marie Jimenez NESVisiting lecturer, berkeley dissertation, Department of Near Eastern Studies, UC Berkeley.
Transfiguring the Dead: The Iconography, Commemorative Use, and Materiality of Mummy Shrouds from Roman Egypt Advisor: Carol Redmount. Kiersten Ashley Neumann NESCuratorial Assistant, Oriental Institute Museum of the University of Chicago. Resurrected and Reevaluated: The Neo-Assyrian Temple as a Ritualized and Ritualizing Built Environment Advisors: Marian Feldman and Francesca Rochberg. Riki Ophir Jewish Studies Why Read Poems in Such Hard Times?
Sociopolitical History and Aesthetic Commitment in Modern Hebrew, Yiddish and German Poetry Advisor: Chana Kronfeld. Yosefa Raz Jewish StudiesPost Doctoral Fellow, Centre for Jewish Studies, University of Toronto, berkeley dissertation.
Weak Berkeley dissertation Recasting Prophetic Power in the Classical Hebrew Prophets and in Their Modern Reception Advisor: Ron Hendel. Kevin Lewis Schwartz NESSocial Science Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow for Transregional Research, Roshan Institute of Persian Studies, Berkeley dissertation of Maryland.
Bâzgasht-i Adabî Literary Return and Persianate Literary Culture in Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Iran, India, berkeley dissertation, and Afghanistan Advisor: Wali Ahmadi. Terry-Lynn Tanaka NESVisiting Lecturer, Department of Near Eastern Studies, UC Berkeley. Dress and Identity in Old Babylonian Texts Advisor: Niek Veldhuis. Mira Beth Wasserman Jewish StudiesAssistant Professor, berkeley dissertation, Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, Philadelphia.
The Humanity of the Talmud: Reading for Ethics in Bavli Avoda Zara Advisor: Daniel Boyarin. Constance Ellen Gane NESAssistant Professor of Archaeology and Old Testament, Curator, Siegfried H. Horn Archaeological Museum, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan. Composite Beings in Neo-Babylonian Art Advisor: David Stronach. Ahmed Zildzic NESAssociate Research Fellow, Oriental Institute, University of Sarajevo, berkeley dissertation, Bosnia.
The Friend and Foe: The Early Ottoman Reception of Ibn 'Arabi Advisor: Hamid Algar. Dana DePietro NESExecutive Director and Curator, Sun Gallery, Hayward, California. Piety, berkeley dissertation, Practice and Politics: Ritual and Agency berkeley dissertation the Late Bronze Southern Levant Advisor: Marian Feldman.
Cristina Rhiannon Graybill NESAssistant Professor of Religious Berkeley dissertation, Rhodes College, Memphis Tennessee. Men in Travail: Masculinity and the Problems of the Body in the Hebrew Prophets Advisor: Robert Alter.
Alison Lori Joseph NES The Portrait of the Kings and the Historiographical Poetics of the Deuteronomistic Historian Advisor: Ronald Hendel. Anaita Khudonazar NESPostdoctoral Fellow, The Abbasi Program in Islamic Studies, Stanford University. Elizabeth Joanna Minor NESDevelopment Associate, Phoebe A. Hearst Musrum of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley.
The Use of Egyptian and Egyptianizing Material Culture in Nubian Burials of the Classic Kerma Period Advisor: Carol Redmount. Barbara Ann Richter NESVisiting lecturer, Department of Near Eastern Studies, University of California, Berkeley. The Theology of Hathor of Dendera: Aural and Visual Scribal Techniques in the Per-wer Sanctuary Advisors: Jacco Dieleman and Carol Redmount.
Samuel Frank Thrope Berkeley dissertation StudiesGolda Meir postdoctoral fellow berkeley dissertation the Hebrew University, berkeley dissertation, Jerusalem. Contradictions and Vile Utterances: The Zoroastrian Critique of Judaism in the Škand Gumānīg Wizār Advisor: Martin Schwartz. Moeen Afnani NES Unraveling the Mystery of the Hidden Treasure: The Origin and Development of a Hadith Qudsi and its Application in Sufi Doctrine Advisor: Hamid Algar.
Laurent Dissard NESAndrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in the Humanities, Lecturer, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, University of Pennsylvania.
Submerged Stories on the Sidelines of Science: Archaeology and Politics on berkeley dissertation Margins of the Keban Dam Rescue Project in Eastern Turkey Berkeley dissertation Marian Feldman. Stephanie Langin-Hooper NESAssistant Professor, Bowling Green State University, Ohio. Beyond Typology: Investigating Entanglements of Difference and Exploring Object-Generated Social Interactions in the Terracotta Figurines of Hellenistic Babylonia Advisor: Marian Feldman.
Hasan Karatas NESAssistant Professor, University of St. Thomas, Minnesota. The City as a Historical Actor: The Urbanization and Ottomanization of the Halvetiye Sufi Order by the city of Amasya in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries Advisor: Hamid Algar, berkeley dissertation. Zvi Septimus Jewish StudiesAnne Tanenbaum Post-Doctoral fellow at the University of Toronto. The Poetic Superstructure of the Babylonian Talmud and the Reader It Fashions.
Eastern European Jewish Culture and the Re-imagination of Folk Performance Advisor: Daniel Boyarin. Zehavit Stern Jewish StudiesUniversity Research Lecturer, Oriental Institute, University of Oxford. Eastern European Jewish Culture and the Re-imagination of Folk Performance Advisor: Robert Alter.
Cindy Lee Ausec NERFaculty, Zaytuna College, California. Gods Who Hear Prayers: Popular Piety or Kingship in Three Theban Monuments of New Kingdom Egypt Advisor: Carol Redmount. Mona El Sherif NESAssistant Professor, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, The University of Miami. Cairo-Paris: The Urban Imaginary of the Self Advisor: Margaret Larkin, berkeley dissertation.
Karin Roberta Kroenke NES A Comprehensive Study of Tomb Models and Serving Statuettes Dating from the Late Old Kingdom to the Late Middle Kingdom Advisor: Carol Redmount. Jean Li, berkeley dissertation, Jean NESAssistant Professor, berkeley dissertation, Department of History, Ryerson University, Canada.
Elite Theban Women in the Eighth-Sixth Centuries BCE in Egypt: Status, Identity and Mortuary Practice Advisor: Carol Redmount. Mark Anthony Avila NES Treading Upon Snakes: The Sumerian and Akkadian Snake Incantations from the Ur III to the Old Babylonian Periods Advisor: Niek Veldhuis. Catherine F. Foster NES Household Archaeology and the Uruk Phenomenon: A Case Study from Kenan Tepe, Turkey Advisor: Marian Feldman.
Nathalie Khankan NES Breathing Sun-Drenched Horizons: The Possibility of Poetry in Post-Oslo Palestine Advisor: Margaret Larkin. Sabrina Sonia Maras NES Iconography, Berkeley dissertation and Inclusion: the Winged Disk and Royal Power under Darius the Great Advisor: David Stronach. Seyed Shahabedin Mesbahi NES The Reception of Ibn 'Arabi's School of Thought by Kubrawi Sufis Advisor: Hamid Algar. Shih, Shang Ying NES New Approaches to Ancient Egyptian Visual Culture -- A Case Berkeley dissertation Ramesside Queens at the Nexus of Gender, Sexuality, and Spectatorship Advsor: Carol Redmount.
Berkeley dissertation Ashley Brown NES Monumentalizing identities: North Syrian urbanism, BCE. Michael T, berkeley dissertation. Castori NER "Israel and the Nations" in the Mekhilta of Rabbi Ishmael and Origen's Homilies on Exodus: A study in biblical interpretation.
Eliyahu Stern Jewish Studies Elijah of Vilna and the making of modern rabbinic Judaism. Cyrus Ali Zargar NES Aesthetic berkeley dissertation of Islamic mysticism: Beauty and the human form in the writings of Ibn 'Arabi and 'Iraqi. Ali, Mukhtar Hussain. Liebhaber, Berkeley dissertation Joseph. Bedouins without Arabic: Language, poetry and the Mahra of Southeast Yemen. Medoff, Louis Abraham.
Neale, Harry Stuart, berkeley dissertation. Nitschke, Jessica Lynn Nager. Perceptions of culture: Interpreting Greco-Near Eastern hybridity in the Phoenician homeland.
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, time: 16:37Doctoral Dissertations
Although there are basic rules dictating how PhD dissertations are done at Berkeley, the content and structure of a student's PhD dissertation is mainly the result of careful consideration and planning between the student and their PhD Dissertation blogger.comted Reading Time: 40 secs DISSERTATION LIST. Amin EHTESHAMI – Islamic Studies (Fall ) “The Pivot to Canonisation: Fayḍ Kāshānī and the Safavid Hadith Discourse.”. Adviser: Asad Q. Ahmed. Ayelet EVEN-NUR – Hebrew/Arabic Language and Literature (Spring ) “Radical Abandon: In-Between Agency and Self-Attenuation in Israel/Palestine.” Four UC Berkeley students were awarded National Academy of Education/Spencer Dissertation Fellowship for their research in the field of education. Each recipient was given a $25, cash prize for the academic year and an opportunity to network with members of NAE and other senior scholars during a retreat
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