Catherine Cannizzo. Dissertation: Homological mirror symmetry for the genus 2 curve in an abelian variety and its generalized Strominger-Yau-Zaslow mirror. Alexander Carney. Dissertation: The arithmetic Hodge-index theorem and rigidity of algebraic dynamical systems over function fields. Jan 24, · Finding Master's Theses using OskiCat. Click the Advanced Keyword Search link or tab. Change the drop down menu to the left of the search box to Subject and type (for example) University of California Berkeley public health in the search box.; Change the drop down menu to the left of the search box to Note and type master* in the search box (adding the * searches for both "master" and "masters").Author: Shannon Kealey The Ph.D. program at Berkeley is designed for students interested in pursuing advanced study and conducting original research in Economics. The Ph.D. degree is awarded in recognition of the recipient's qualifications as a general economist and of the ability to make scholarly contributions in
Past PhDs | Department of Mathematics at University of California Berkeley
This dissertation is focused on developing methods under the uncertainty quantification framework of Bound-to-Bound Data Collaboration B2BDC. The framework systematically combines models and data to validate the consistency of a dataset i. Solution mapping techniques are used to create polynomial and rational quadratic surrogate models, with which advanced optimization techniques can be implemented to compute provable bounds. The bound-form uncertainty adopted in the B2BDC framework naturally generates inequality constraints on model parameters, berkeley phd thesis.
The collection of all the constraints, derived from prior knowledge about model parameters and from requiring model prediction within experimental uncertainty, defines a region in the model parameter space termed the feasible set.
Numerically, examination of dataset consistency is accomplished berkeley phd thesis calculating a quantity termed scalar consistency measure, defined as the solution to a constrained optimization problem, and evaluating its sign, berkeley phd thesis. The dataset is inconsistent if the scalar consistency measure is negative and otherwise if it is positive. Prediction uncertainty is computed by finding minimum and maximum values of the prediction models in the feasible set, berkeley phd thesis.
The constrained optimization problem is nonconvex and difficult to solve globally in general as nonlinear optimization solvers usually converge to a local optimum.
With quadratic, polynomial, and rational quadratic surrogate models, berkeley phd thesis, convex relaxation techniques are used to derive semidefinite programming problems whose solution can be computed efficiently and is a conservative bound on the solution of the original nonconvex problems. As a result, dataset inconsistency can be proved if the conservative bound of the scalar consistency measure is negative. Starting from the bound-type uncertainty, more informative assumptions can be made to obtain more informative results.
For example, if a prior distribution is selected to represent the prior uncertainty berkeley phd thesis model parameters and a likelihood function is selected to model the measurement error in the data, Bayesian inference produces a posterior distribution of the model parameters. Two physically inspired likelihood functions are investigated and compared in the thesis.
For the likelihood functions and surrogate models considered in the thesis, the posterior distribution berkeley phd thesis not have a closed-form expression. Therefore, berkeley phd thesis, efficient sampling methods are developed to generate samples from the posterior distribution for further uncertainty quantification computations, for example, evaluating the uncertainty in model predictions.
A dataset can be inconsistent in practice, which implies that something is wrong with the system: the model e. g, a misreported measurementor both, berkeley phd thesis. Efficient strategies for resolving dataset inconsistency are therefore necessary to use the framework. Methods motivated by physical reasoning can be advantageous since they may provide guidance on what factors cause the trouble.
The vector consistency measure strategy aims to recover dataset consistency by relaxing the fewest experimental uncertainty bounds. Data points whose experimental uncertainty bounds are suggested berkeley phd thesis be changed by the solution vector are labelled as potentially suspicious to be examined further.
Suspicious data points can also be determined by comparing their influence to the computed scalar consistency measure. A new method, suitable when the berkeley phd thesis is suspect, is developed in the dissertation that resolves dataset inconsistency by including a scenario-dependent discrepancy function, which modifies model output in a structured manner.
A comprehensive and accurate knowledge of its combustion kinetics is necessary for designing optimal operating conditions in different applications.
In one study, berkeley phd thesis, a B2BDC application to a syngas combustion dataset is carried out collaboratively by me and a research group in the German Aerospace Center, berkeley phd thesis. A syngas reaction mechanism is created by the German group with assessed uncertainty in the reaction rate parameters. A set of experimental measurements, including ignition delay times and laminar flame speeds, is collected by the German group with systematically assessed experimental uncertainty.
I apply the B2BDC methods to the dataset berkeley phd thesis examine its feasible set to obtain a more predictive model of syngas combustion. In another study, I construct a different syngas combustion dataset including only ignition delay time measurements, using which the vector consistency measure method and the discrepancy function method are compared. Water is a major factor limiting crop production in many regions around the world.
Irrigation can greatly enhance crop yields, berkeley phd thesis the local availability and timing of freshwater resources constrains the ability of humanity to intensify food production. Water plays an important role in the production of energy, including unconventional fossil fuels extraction.
Water is also important to meet climate change targets. Carbon capture and storage is broadly recognized as a technology that could play a key role in limiting the net anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions from industrial and energy systems. However, berkeley phd thesis, carbon capture and storage technologies are energy-intensive processes that would require additional power generation and therefore additional water consumption for the cooling process.
While substantial additional water will be required to support future food and energy production, it is not clear whether and where local renewable water availability is sufficient to sustainably meet future water consumption. The extent berkeley phd thesis which irrigation can be sustainably expanded within presently rain-fed cultivated land berkeley phd thesis depleting environmental flows remains poorly understood.
It also remains unclear where and to what extent new water demanding technologies such as carbon capture and storage berkeley phd thesis hydraulic fracturing might generate or exacerbate water scarcity, berkeley phd thesis. In this dissertation work, I used a global water balance model to determine at high spatio-temporal resolution local water demand and water availability for human berkeley phd thesis. I was able to estimate berkeley phd thesis there is sufficient local water to sustainably meet future demand for water.
I also determined the sustainability of these practices and the extent by which they deplete environmental flows and groundwater stocks. Despite berkeley phd thesis unsustainability from irrigation, I find that there is still substantial potential to increase food production by sustainably expanding irrigation over Million hectares of croplands globally, potentially feeding million more people.
I also find that energy technologies such as berkeley phd thesis fracturing and carbon capture and storage will require substantial additional water, exacerbating water scarcity and creating a competition for the scarce local freshwater resources among energy, industrial, and agriculture industries.
I show that certain geographies lack sufficient water resources to meet the additional water demands of carbon capture technologies and hydraulic fracturing. These findings shed light on the importance of freshwater in future decision making. The results of this dissertation berkeley phd thesis the potential to inform water, energy, and food security policies at global, regional, national, and local scales and to provide new insights to achieve global sustainability targets.
With the goal of developing models and approaches leading to better operation of large-scale project delivery supply chains, berkeley phd thesis interviewed a variety of consultants and project and supply chain managers with a particular emphasis on oil and gas major capital project delivery and asked them a set of questions so that we could better understand current capital project delivery views of supply chain management, inventory, risk management tools, and related topics Appendix A.
Our interviewees expressed surprisingly diverse opinions, particularly regarding the future of mega-project delivery and the need for more closely coordinating supplier deliveries with onsite needs. The work in the dissertation is particularly motivated by mega-projects in the oil and gas industry, and our goal is to build models that lead to better operation of capital project delivery supply chains.
The characteristics of this industry, and of these projects, place specific requirements on project scheduling models, and many of the existing models in the literature do not meet these requirements. Our focus in this dissertation is to formulate models and develop approaches that are particularly useful for mega-projects in the oil and gas industry, and that enable the concurrent determination of the project schedule and inventory delivery times in order to efficiently manage the project supply chain, berkeley phd thesis, and to effectively control project delivery time and cost.
We consider the Stochastic Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem with inventory, where the objective is to minimize a weighted combination of the expected project makespan and the expected inventory holding costs. Motivated by the requirements of major oil and gas industry projects, we introduce a class of proactive policies for the problem. We develop several effective heuristics for this problem, as well as deterministic and probabilistic lower bounds on the optimal solution.
In computational testing, we demonstrate the effectiveness of these heuristics and develop insights into the value of explicitly considering inventory in this setting. A related problem that arises is the scheduling of oil field drilling operations, where the goal is to maximize the expected revenue generated by oil extraction.
For this problem, berkeley phd thesis, we build a model and propose a heuristic approach. We confirm the effectiveness of our heuristic approach by analyzing its performance compared to the current practice in a real-world case study.
Our results demonstrate the potential to increase the efficiency and productivity of drilling operations significantly and to boost profitability by decreasing the time until wells start the extraction.
Through our interviews, and through analysis in subsequent models, it is clear that suppliers, and the timely delivery of supplies, plays a critical role in the successful implementation of large-scale projects, berkeley phd thesis. In the context of oil and gas projects, our focus is on the suppliers that provide customized materials. We present a stylized model, where we consider sequencing decisions on a single processor, here representing a supplier, in an online setting where no data about the future incoming opportunities is available, berkeley phd thesis.
With the goal of minimizing total weighted modified earliness and tardiness cost, berkeley phd thesis, we introduce a new scheduling policy, which we refer to as the list-based delayed shortest processing time policy, and develop lower and upper bounds on the performance of this policy. Finally, we consider an alternative berkeley phd thesis of managing construction in projects, berkeley phd thesis, a location-based method known as the Work Density Method for takt planning.
We model this problem and develop an optimization algorithm to divide a work space into zones while leveling work densities across trades in a process. The tools presented in this dissertation are useful for managing different elements of mega-projects and significantly advance the state-of-the-art in those areas. We confirm the effectiveness of these tools by analyzing their performance compared to current practice in real-world case studies as well as their performance over the benchmark test problems that are available in the literature.
Seeing can be difficult. This dissertation aims to bring out the philosophical significance of this commonplace fact. By examining the roles of difficulty, agency, and skill in visual experience, it sheds light on two related sets of philosophical questions: one about our ability to perceive the world, the other about our ways of representing it.
The first two chapters get at the basic structure of the experience of seeing. I approach this by concentrating on the notion of an opportunity to see. This notion is a familiar one, but upon examination it makes trouble for a traditional and tenacious idea, that seeing is the automatic upshot of a certain mechanical process — a causal chain linking things in our environment to our perceptual organs and our minds. Having presented this conflict, I examine the alternative framework for characterizing visual experiences that the notion of opportunity invites, berkeley phd thesis.
I agree with other discussions that opportunities to see are defined by berkeley phd thesis conditions like lighting and the placement of occluding objects, and the degree of salience things have in virtue of the kinds of objects they are. But I argue that in order to understand the difference between an opportunity to see and an occasion of seeing, we must recognize skill on the part of the viewer as an additional explanatory factor.
The second chapter turns to a puzzle about how it is possible to see the intrinsic features of things in contrast to the way that they look in certain circumstances — e, berkeley phd thesis.
the color of a painted wall, berkeley phd thesis, as opposed to the way shadows darken parts of its surface, or the volume of a cardboard box, as opposed to the square shape of its facing side. At the heart of the puzzle is the assumption that whenever we see, we see how things look, berkeley phd thesis, and the idea that seeing how things are shaped and colored must involve more sophisticated berkeley phd thesis than seeing how they look in the conditions in which we encounter them — if it is possible at all.
I argue that this gets it backwards. Seeing how things look — e. The rest of the dissertation focuses on the art of pictorial representation, as a practice that exemplifies the skill involved in discerning the way things look. I pinpoint the insight in this idea by explaining the duality in terms of the distinction between a marked surface and the berkeley phd thesis it looks.
It also brings out the fact that pictures are things whose visual appearances are designed to be especially salient, and are products of an intention to show how something looks. The fourth chapter turns to the relationship between depiction and visual resemblance. A central motivation for thinking that the concept of depiction in some way implicates that of visual berkeley phd thesis is an interest in capturing the difference between pictures and linguistic expression, as two forms of representation.
Nelson Goodman criticizes this way of comparing them, in part by berkeley phd thesis that it relies on a flawed conception of the experience of seeing, according to which it always involves an awareness of a determinate configuration of patches of color. They require that depiction always presents viewers with forms of appearance that they are already familiar with — aspects of shape and color that berkeley phd thesis already associate with things of a certain kind.
But we should not think of depiction as constrained in this way. The final chapter attends to the activity of drawing from life, or creating a depiction based on a model. This activity serves as one final illustration of the idea that visual skill is developed with effort, berkeley phd thesis.
The first part of the chapter argues that we should not think of the process of drawing from life as constituted by two stages, first seeing how the model looks, and then manually modifying a drawing surface to convey that look. Rather, berkeley phd thesis, the drawing process involves both visual and manual skills throughout, and sometimes, it is only through the process of drawing that the artist comes to see how the model looks.
The second part of the chapter clarifies the nature of the skill exhibited by drawing from life by examining how artists typically train to do it. Finally, I present a way of thinking about pictorial realism in terms of the kind of visual skill that drawing from life requires, berkeley phd thesis.
On this way of thinking, realistic depiction is not a matter of capturing some particular aspect of the visual world, but rather a matter of conveying our visual sensitivity to the contingent features of objects in our surroundings, whatever they may be. This thesis investigates the problem of fair statistical learning. We argue that critical notions of fairness can be represented by independence constraints on certain random variables, and berkeley phd thesis the approach of approximating independence by bounding moments.
Berkeley PhD History 2018 WuYen
, time: 2:41Ph.D. in Economics | Department of Economics
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