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Social Work Personal Statement | blogger.com
I am applying for a place to study social work because I have always wanted to be able to make a difference to people's lives. With social work I believe I can do this in a caring and supportive way, best personal statement editing services. I have gained some insight into mental health while caring for my grandma and the difficulties she faced on a daily basis while suffering with Alzheimer's disease this is one area I would like to gain more knowledge on.
Another family member suffered from drug and alcohol addiction and Best personal statement editing services witnessed the effects it had on his mental health and the best personal statement editing services drugs had on his family. These personal experiences instilled in me further the desire to become a social worker. I have completed a counselling skills taster course and it gave me a keen interest in to therapeutic interventions.
This taught me the importance of using empathy when working with people. A skill I'm very keen on developing. My course also taught me about different therapies available such as person best personal statement editing services therapies, cognitive behavioural therapies and how important counselling skills can be within the social work profession. I am currently enrolled on an access course where I have just successfully completed a presentation and timed exam on nature vs.
This shows I am capable of researching and writing an essay to allocated deadlines. I found the subject nature vs. nurture very interesting as I came across a man called Baron Cohen and his research into Developmental Learning and Autism. I have also just successfully completed a data response covering ethnic identities and what kind of positive influences and contributions can different ethnic groups have on British society today.
In my current role as a learning disability support best personal statement editing services I have gained confidence and experience when supporting an adult who is particularly vulnerable.
On a daily basis I complete a daily diary on a service user's health and well being, their independence goals and sign medication sheets for any medication administered. I have learnt how to support a service user with challenging behaviour to reach their best personal statement editing services goals with a calm and patient approach.
I have recently completed a Learning Disabilities Qualification LDQ. My LDQ training has made me aware of how to make risk assessments, work safely and prevent cross infection. My training has also taught me how best to support a service user in a person centred way and help them maintain their individuality and dignity. I have attended and contributed to team meetings and followed an agenda on how best to support a service user and any current issues surrounding their health and well being.
The skills and personal qualities I have developed within my role as a support worker include problem solving, best personal statement editing services, being able to listen to service users and their families and allow them to talk freely and openly. I have learnt the ability to work well within a team and the importance of working in partnership with other agencies such as doctors, nurses and occupational therapists.
I'm looking forward to gaining practical experience whilst on placement and gaining a more in depth knowledge of what it means to be a social worker. I am a mother of 4 children and being a mother has given me great organisational skills which have taught me to manage my time more effectively for whilst raising a family, I am also working as a support worker and attending my access course which I am thoroughly enjoying.
I also enjoy spending quality time with my family, reading and socialising when I get the opportunity, best personal statement editing services. Being a mature student and preparing for higher education, I have learnt how to communicate effectively, work within a team; use my own initiative and the ability to manage my time with work, study and family life. With full support I'm receiving from my husband and close family members I know I can give the full commitment and dedication needed for becoming a social worker.
Over the past few years I have learnt to set myself realistic goals and focus on achieving them one at a time. By doing this I have always been successful such as passing my driving test, stopping smoking and attending my access course. The next step for me is applying to Stockport BA Honours Degree in Social Work.
I chose Stockport for their excellent teaching methods, college atmosphere and their part time route enables me to carry on with my family and work commitments. Once I qualify as a social worker I would like to work in a mental health setting and develop my counselling skills to help others, best personal statement editing services. Hi peeps I don't know if this helps anyone but I found it really difficult to find social work personal statements to help me write my own.
I put a lot of effort into writing this one blood,sweat and tears, lol and thought I would post it to help other social work applicants. I'm not saying it's perfect but I hope it may give you some ideas to write your own. Chelle x. Statement rating:. NICE JOB. THIS WILL HELP GUIDE ME Best personal statement editing services DO MY ON ESSAY ON SCIAL WORK PERSONAL STATEMENT. BY KUSI LONDO UK. Skip to main content. You are here Home » Personal Statements » Social Work Personal Statement Examples » Social Work Personal Statement.
Top Rated Personal Statements Gap Year Personal Statements International Student Personal Statements Mature Student Personal Statements Postgraduate Personal Statements Personal Statements By University Personal Statement Editing Service Personal Statement Writing Guide Submit Your Personal Statement. Social Work Personal Statement. I found this very helpful and very relivant ti myself. Thabk you. I found this very helpful and very relivant to myself. Thank you. Thank you I find it helpful as I'm writing mine and I was lost on what to put in mine.
Very insightful and helpful. Your name. Please complete the check below to help us prevent spam comments.
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