Creosote is a category of carbonaceous chemicals formed by the distillation of various tars and pyrolysis of plant-derived material, such as wood or fossil fuel. They are typically used as preservatives or antiseptics. Some creosote types were used historically as a treatment for components of seagoing and outdoor wood structures to prevent rot (e.g., bridgework and railroad ties, see image) The portrait of J. K. Mertz first appeared on the cover of Erwin Schwarz-Reiflingen's book Altmeister der Gitarre: Johann Kaspar Mertz. There was no attribution for the source, but in Schwarz-Reiflingen's commentary he mentions the duo 'Fantasie aus der oper "Elisier d'amour' came as a previously unpublished manuscript from Edward Bayer, Jr., son of the well-known guitarist Edward Bayer Votre recherche de dictons: Dictons sur dicton 1 Nos dictons du quotidien on les connaît tous, on les utilise souvent, Dico Dictons permet de redécouvrir les dictons sur le thème
Johann Kaspar Mertz - Wikipedia
Frankincense also known as olibanum is an aromatic resin used in incense and perfumesobtained from trees of the genus Boswellia in the family Burseraceae. The word is from Old French franc encens 'high-quality incense'. There are several species of Boswellia that produce true frankincense: [2] Boswellia sacra syn. bhaw-dajianasyn. carteriB. frereanaB. serrata B. thuriferaIndian frankincenseand B. Resin from each is available in various grades, which depend on the time of harvesting. The resin is hand-sorted for quality.
The English word frankincense derives from the Old French expression franc encensmeaning 'high-quality incense '. The word franc in Old French meant 'noble, pure'. Although named frank incense, the name is not referring to the Franks. The name of frankincense in Koine Greek the language of the New Testament : λίβανοςlíbanos or λιβανωτόςlibanōtósis cognate with the name of Lebanon Greek: Λίβανος ; the same can be said with regard to Arabic, Phoenician, Hebrew, [3] and Vulgar Latin : lĭbănus.
The leading " o " may have came from Latin : oleumlit. The trees start producing resin at about eight to 10 years old, chanterelle dissertation.
Generally speaking, the more opaque resins are the best quality. Cheap resin is produced in Somalilandwhich chanterelle dissertation the Roman Catholic Church 's major source. Recent studies indicate that frankincense tree populations are declining, partly due to over-exploitation.
In addition, burning, grazing, and attacks by the longhorn beetle have reduced the tree population. Among various plants in the genus Boswelliaonly Boswellia sacraBoswellia serrata and Boswellia papyrifera have been confirmed to contain significant amounts of boswellic acids.
See the following references for a comprehensive overview of the chemical compounds in different frankincense species: [9] [22]. Frankincense has been traded on the Arabian Chanterelle dissertation for more than 5, years. The Greek historian Herodotus wrote in The History that frankincense was harvested from trees in Southern Arabia. He reported that the gum was dangerous to harvest because of winged snakes [24] that guard the trees, and that the smoke from burning storax would drive the snakes away.
Frankincense was reintroduced to Western Europe by Frankish Crusaders[ citation needed ] and other Western Europeans on their journeys to the Eastern Roman Empire where it was commonly used in church services. Although named frank incense, the name refers to the quality of incense brought to Western Europe, chanterelle dissertation, not to the Franks themselves, chanterelle dissertation.
Southern Arabia was an exporter of frankincense in antiquity, with some of it being traded as far as China. Thousands of tons of frankincense are traded every year to chanterelle dissertation used in religious ceremonies as incense in thuribles and by makers of perfumes, natural medicines, and essential oils.
It can be inhaled or applied to the skin for its supposed health benefits, chanterelle dissertation. Most frankincense comes from Somalia, and India, but also in Oman, Yemen, and western Africa. In Somaliafrankincense is harvested in the Bari and Sanaag regions : mountains lying at the northwest of Erigavo ; El Afweyn District ; Cal Madow mountain range, a westerly escarpment that runs parallel to the coast; Cal Miskeed, including Hantaara and Habeeno plateau and a middle segment of the frankincense-growing escarpment; Karkaar mountains or eastern escarpment, which lies at the eastern fringe of the frankinscence escarpment.
In DhofarOmanfrankincense species grow north of Salalah and were traded in the ancient coastal city of Sumhuram, now Khor Rori. Inthe International Union for Conservation of Nature IUCN warned that one of the primary frankincense species, Boswellia sacrais "near threatened".
Frankincense trees are not covered by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Florabut experts argue that Boswellia species meet the criteria for protection, chanterelle dissertation. This species, found mainly in Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Sudan, accounts for about two-thirds of global frankincense production.
The paper warns that all Boswellia species are threatened by habitat loss and overexploitation. Most Boswellia grow in harsh, arid regions beset by poverty and conflict.
Harvesting and selling the tree's resin is one of the only sources of income for the inhabitants, chanterelle dissertation in overtapping. Frankincense Boswellia spp. Numerous compounds of different chemical categories were identified in the resin; the pharmacological actions of Boswellia resin are attributed to the complementary effects exerted by these chanterelle dissertation. The clinical studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of frankincense resin in some disease conditions like asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, irritable bowl diseases, osteoarthritis, and relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis.
The Egyptians cleansed body cavities in the mummification process with frankincense and natron. In Persian medicineit is used for diabetes, gastritis chanterelle dissertation stomach ulcer. Generally the oil chanterelle dissertation also used in Abrahamic religions to cleanse the house or building of bad or evil energy - chanterelle dissertation used in exorcisms and to bless one's being like the bakhoor commonly found in Persian Gulf cultures by spreading the fumes towards the body.
The incense offering occupied a prominent position in the sacrificial legislation of the ancient Hebrews. Scholars have identified frankincense as what the Book of Jeremiah relates was imported from Sheba during the 6th century BC Babylonian captivity.
Frankincense is mentioned in the New Testament as one of the three gifts with gold and myrrh that the magi "from the East" presented to the Christ Child Matthew In Chinese medicinefrankincense Chinese : 乳香 rǔ xiāng along with myrrh 沒藥 mò yào have anti-bacterial properties as well as blood-moving uses. It is used chanterelle dissertation relieve pain, remove blood stasis, promote blood circulation and treat deafness, stroke, chanterelle dissertation, locked jaw, and abnormalities in women's menstruation, chanterelle dissertation.
The essential oil of frankincense is produced by steam distillation of the tree resin, chanterelle dissertation. Contrary to some commercial claims, steam distilled frankincense oils do not contain the insufficiently volatile boswellic acids triterpenoidsalthough they may be present in solvent extractions.
The chemistry of the essential oil is mainly monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes, such as alpha-pinene, Chanterelle dissertation, alpha-Thujene, and beta-Pinene with small amounts of diterpenoid components being the upper limit in chanterelle dissertation of molecular weight. Media related to Frankincense at Wikimedia Commons. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, chanterelle dissertation.
Aromatic resin from Boswellia trees. The Oxford English Dictionary. Volume IV: F—G reprint ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Retrieved National Geographic. Retrieved 16 December Israel and Hellas.
Walter de Gruyter. ISBN A Latin Dictionary. Retrieved — via Perseus digital library, Tufts Chanterelle dissertation. Volume VII: N—Poy reprint ed.
Archived from the original on BBC World News. Chemotaxonomic investigations on resins of the frankincense species Boswellia papyrifera, Boswellia serrata and Boswellia sacra, chanterelle dissertation, respectively, Boswellia carterii : a qualitative and quantitative approach by chromatographic and spectroscopic methodology Thesis. Saarland University. doi : Kew Bulletin. JSTOR — via JSTOR. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London. Retrieved — via Hathitrust. Royal Botanic Gardens, chanterelle dissertation, Kew.
This is a synonym of Boswellia sacra Flück; Not accepted by Govearts,R. Plants of the World Online. Plants Basel. PMC PMID New York Times. Retrieved 5 July Yahoo Finance. Associated Press. Retrieved 25 December Can frankincense production payoff?
Journal of Arid Environments. Bibcode : JArEn. Henriette's Herbal Homepage, chanterelle dissertation. Phytochemical Investigations on Boswellia Species Thesis, chanterelle dissertation. Universität Hamburg.
The History of Herodotus, chanterelle dissertation. Translated by Macaulay, George Campbell. In Godley, A. Ιστορίαι Ηροδότου in Greek.
The Natural History.
Chanterelle Mushrooms (and POISONOUS Lookalike) - Foraging in Appalachia
, time: 14:31Psilocybin - Wikipedia
The portrait of J. K. Mertz first appeared on the cover of Erwin Schwarz-Reiflingen's book Altmeister der Gitarre: Johann Kaspar Mertz. There was no attribution for the source, but in Schwarz-Reiflingen's commentary he mentions the duo 'Fantasie aus der oper "Elisier d'amour' came as a previously unpublished manuscript from Edward Bayer, Jr., son of the well-known guitarist Edward Bayer Frankincense (also known as olibanum) is an aromatic resin used in incense and perfumes, obtained from trees of the genus Boswellia in the family blogger.com word is from Old French franc encens ('high-quality incense').. There are several species of Boswellia that produce true frankincense: Boswellia sacra (syn. B. bhaw-dajiana, syn. B. carteri), B. frereana, B. serrata (B. thurifera Creosote is a category of carbonaceous chemicals formed by the distillation of various tars and pyrolysis of plant-derived material, such as wood or fossil fuel. They are typically used as preservatives or antiseptics. Some creosote types were used historically as a treatment for components of seagoing and outdoor wood structures to prevent rot (e.g., bridgework and railroad ties, see image)
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