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Dissertation on cbt

Dissertation on cbt

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JavaScript is disabled for your browser, dissertation on cbt. Some features of this site may not work without it, dissertation on cbt. Browse All of TUScholarShare Communities Date Authors Titles Subjects Genres This Community Date Authors Titles Subjects Genres.

Login Register. About Policies Help dissertation on cbt Depositors Data Deposit FAQs. Display statistics. Browsing Theses and Dissertations by Publication date Jump to a point in the index: Choose year Now showing items of List view Grid view title issue date submit date ascending descending 5 10 20 40 dissertation on cbt 80 Dissertation on cbt Development of Orthogonal Functions as Series Solutions of the Partial Differential Equations of Physics.

Kaigh, Irvin Temple University. LibrariesIntroduction. Statement of problem: The primary purpose of this study is to indicate the manner in which a Boundary Value problem in Physics leads to the solution in generalized Fourier Series. The conditions to be met in problems of this sort are generally the Partial Differential Equation and several unique physical conditions which are imposed on the distribution sought after.

The problem is solved when a mathematical solution of the Differential Equation is found which satisfies all of the restrictions levied by the physical considerations. The secondary purpose of this study is to obtain a view of the generalized problem which leads ultimately to the Sturm-Liouville theory.

A study of the cooperative office work experience program in New Jersey, Martin, Charles Wilford, Ed. Temple University. Statement of the Problem: It was the purpose of this study to determine the current status, practice, and problem of the cooperative office work experience programs that existed in the public high schools in the State of New Jersey with implications for those who plan to organize and develop such programs.

It is generally believed that a cooperative office work experience program is a learning device which will provide more effective training for office jobs. Rosenfeld, dissertation on cbt, Joseph G. LibrariesOne of the most controversial issues in the field of education is the determination of the educational placement of deaf K students. Although school psychologists are involved in the determination process, little is known about their specific role in decision-making.

Results indicated that student audiological status predicts the types of assessment data that school psychologists collect and report in dissertation on cbt to inform educational placement decisions. Additionally, there was a relationship between school psychologists' specialization in the area of deafness and the interpretation of the phrase, the "least restrictive environment.

New Step Down Procedures for Control of the Familywise Error Rate, dissertation on cbt. Sarkar, S. Sanat K. LibrariesThe main research topic in this dissertation is the development of the closure method of multiple testing procedures.

Considering a general procedure that allows the underlying test statistics as well as the associated parameters to be dependent, we first propose a step-down procedure controlling the FWER, which is defined as the probability of committing at least one false discovery.

Holm first proposed a step-down procedure for multiple hypothesis testing with a control of the familywise error rate FWER under any kind of dependence. Under the normal distributional setup, Seneta and Chen sharpened the Holm procedure by taking into account the correlations between the test statistics. In this dissertation, the Seneta-Chen procedure is further modified yielding a more powerful FWER controlling procedure.

We then advance our research and propose another step-down procedure to control the generalized FWER k-FWERwhich is defined as the probability of making at least k false discoveries.

We compare our proposed k-FWER procedure with the Lehmann and Romano procedure. The proposed k-FWER procedure is more powerful, particularly when there is a strong dependence in the tests, dissertation on cbt. When the proportion of true null hypotheses is expected to be small, the traditional tests are usually conservative by a factor associated with pi0, which is the proportion of true null hypotheses among all null hypotheses, dissertation on cbt.

Under independence, two procedures controlling the FWER and the k-FWER are proposed in this dissertation, dissertation on cbt. Simulations are carried out to dissertation on cbt that dissertation on cbt procedures often provide much better FWER or k-FWER control and power than the traditional procedures. The Policy of Neglect: The Canadian Militia in the Interwar Years, dissertation on cbt, Urwin, Gregory J. LibrariesThe Canadian Militia, since its beginning, has been underfunded and under-supported by the government, no matter which political party was in power.

This trend continued throughout the interwar years of to During these years, the Militia's members had to improvise a great deal of the time in dissertation on cbt efforts to attain military effectiveness.

This included much of their training, which they often funded with their own pay. They created their own training apparatuses, such as mock tanks, so that their preparations had a hint of realism.

Officers designed interesting and unique exercises to challenge their personnel. All these actions helped create esprit de corps in the Militia, particularly the half composed of citizen soldiers, the Non-Permanent Active Militia.

The regulars, dissertation on cbt, the Permanent Active Militia or Permanent Forcealso relied on their own efforts to improve themselves as soldiers. They found intellectual nourishment in an excellent service journal, the Canadian Defence Quarterly, and British schools. The Militia learned to endure in these years because of all the trials its members faced. The interwar years are important for their impact on how the Canadian Army as it was known after would fight the Second World War.

To put it simply, the interwar years forced the Militia to focus on officer, NCO, and specialist development, creating a highly trained and effective nucleus of key personnel.

This leadership core led Canada's land-based contribution to the war effort. Another important factor in the Canadian Army's performance was the Militia's interwar interest in mechanization, which revealed a remarkably progressive strain in this neglected organization. Toward a Holistic Vectored Geography of Homicide.

Rengert, George F. LibrariesA minority of the research conducted on the geography of crime has considered crime as a vectored event, consisting of multiple locations of interest and straight-line connections between them. Within this small literature, very little attention has been paid to relationships between the various 'journey' vectors available for consideration.

Recently several studies have resurrected the notion of Mobility Triangle Analysis as a method for examining crime as a multi-vectored event. The research described here illustrates that geometric configuration of multi-vector homicide events drives prior findings related to mobility triangle analyses, and demonstrates a two-stage method for reconciling this issue.

In addition to examining the geometric configuration of homicide, the research also examines issues of orientation, dissertation on cbt, and the impact of contextual factors in multi-vector models of homicide geography. The Leadership Succession Process In Megachurches, dissertation on cbt.

Folger, Joseph P, dissertation on cbt. Librariesdissertation on cbt, The purpose of this study is to examine the succession processes and experiences of senior pastors in megachurches. The term process speaks of the sequence of individual and collective events, actions, and activities unfolding over time in context Pettigrew, The term senior pastor is used to refer to the top leader in churches with multiple pastoral staff.

The term megachurch is used here as a descriptive term to refer to Protestant churches with 2, or more attendees in their worship services each week Thumma, Few changes have greater impact on an organization than the change of the senior leader. Historically, succession processes in churches have been disruptive events often leading to temporary or, in many cases, permanent decline particularly when the predecessor led the church to a perhaps unprecedented time of growth.

Succession was often an undiscussed matter until the departure of a predecessor. Since the proliferation of megachurches is a relatively new social phenomenon, little is known about the succession processes of senior pastors in these churches.

This study on succession process seeks to address a gap in the literature regarding dissertation on cbt in megachurches by offering first- hand descriptive accounts by those who have lived through the succession process.

Further, this study seeks to enrich the literature by seeking to integrate current leadership theory with this succession study. Examination of the processes of succession and the nature of the proposed research questions favor a qualitative approach methodologically.

Since this is an attempt to holistically describe what is going on and to build a knowledge base for developing theory rather than test hypotheses, the methodology adopted dissertation on cbt to allow maximally for serendipitous discovery, dissertation on cbt, description and explanation.

This study proposes to describe, analyze and compare the succession processes and experiences of senior pastors in three megachurches through in-depth interviews with those most immersed in the succession process, through document review, archival review and through a basic organization profile survey, dissertation on cbt. Room for Possibilities: James Joyce and the Rhetorical Work of Fiction. Brivic, Sheldon, ; Wells, Susan, ; Dissertation on cbt, Daniel T, dissertation on cbt.

LibrariesThe resurgence of interest in James Joyce's politics over the past decades reveals Joyce as a politically astute, if not active, writer.

But Joyce's politics were never easily codifiable or traceable to a set of ideologically fixed positions. Instead, this dissertation argues, Joyce uses the novel as a space where political debate can be dramatized, and the novel becomes a form of deliberative rhetoric regarding future possibilities, dissertation on cbt.

For Joyce, dissertation on cbt, the practices of rhetoric and aesthetics are complexly intertwined and interdependent, though they remain, in many ways, dissertation on cbt, oppositional and contrary.

Joyce and other modernist writers often viewed rhetoric as a discursive form that limited rather than expanded possibilities. But at other moments, dissertation on cbt, Joyce presses rhetoric into the service of aesthetic and vice-versa since deliberative rhetoric and poetics as defined by Aristotle both attend to the possibilities of future action. This dissertation traces Joyce's evolution from a young socialist writer engaged in rhetorical experiments with the essay to his later dramatization of Irish political oratory in Ulysses.

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