Jun 05, · Genetically modified (GM) technology is a highly controversial topic for today’s global food consumer. The commercial development of GM crops began in with GM corn and has expanded every Genetically engineered (GE) foods have had their DNA changed using genes from other plants or animals. Scientists take the gene for a desired trait in one plant or animal, and they insert that gene into a cell of another plant or animal Genetically modified crops also are responsible for the emergence of “superweeds” and “superbugs,” which can only be killed with ever more toxic poisons such as 2,4-D (a major ingredient in Agent Orange). 4, 5. Most GMOs are a direct extension of chemical agriculture and are developed and sold by the world’s largest chemical companies
Genetically modified food controversies - Wikipedia
Jennifer Chait is a former writer for The Balance Small Business who covered organic businesses. She runs a family-oriented blog on green living. Genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, are plants and animals with altered genetic makeup. They have been edited in a laboratory to incorporate genes from other organisms to achieve new characteristics like chemical resistance or accelerated growing time.
GMOs are widely used in United States agriculture. Learn how this process differs from other breeding techniques and whether it is safe. Genetically modified organisms are plants and animals that genetically modified food background been altered in a laboratory to have new genetic makeup. Scientists incorporate genes from other organisms to achieve new characteristics that are not inherent to the plants and animals being modified. When scientists use genetic engineering to alter the genes of an organism, they're generally seeking to add a trait they view as beneficial, usually for production purposes.
Genetic engineering is often done to achieve a trait not typically held by an organism, such as genetically modified food background shelf life, disease resistance, or different colors or flavors. The dangers and benefits of GMOs are widely debated, but genetic modification is allowed in conventional farming in the U.
Foods that are certified organic cannot contain genetically modified ingredients. Alternate names : genetically engineered crops, GE crops, genetically engineered organisms, bioengineered crops, GM foods. Acronym : GMO, GM, GE. Farmers have traditionally bred both plants and animals to increase desirable characteristics. Traditional methods for doing this include:. Increased knowledge of plant and genetically modified food background genetics led genetically modified food background the practice becoming more sophisticated, allowing farmers and genetically modified food background to breed for more selective traits.
They also began creating new crop hybrids in laboratories and applying chemicals and radiation in an effort to induce desired changes in plants' genetic makeup. These efforts have led to a variety of new crops, such as rice cultivars that are resistant to drought or wheat cultivars that have a much higher yield.
GMOs take these efforts to yet another level and go beyond naturally occurring traits that can be achieved through selective breeding. Instead of inducing mutations that deliver desired characteristics, GMO scientists directly edit the genetic code of plants and animals by inserting genes that carry the characteristics being sought.
The genes being introduced into one species can come from a completely unrelated species, depending on the traits that scientists are trying to create. This GMO-bred glyphosate resistance stems from the addition of a bacterium gene and enables farmers to use more of the herbicide, also manufactured by Monsanto, on their fields containing the corn, genetically modified food background.
Monsanto also has created Roundup Ready soy, alfalfa, canola, cotton, and sorghum. In addition, the company has genetically modified corn, soybeans, genetically modified food background, and cotton in order to make those crops more resistant to insects. Monsanto was the subject of several liability lawsuits regarding Roundup products. Inthe company was acquired by Beyer, and in Beyer reached a settlement regarding Roundup product liability litigation.
Other companies are developing genetically modified animals. For example, AquaBounty Technologies created AquAdvantage salmon, a genetically modified Atlantic salmon approved by the U. Food and Drug Administration FDA. Two common types of genetically engineered crops are insect-resistant Bt crops and herbicide-tolerant HT crops. Bt crops contain genes from Bacillus thuringiensis Bt bacteria and produce insecticidal proteins.
HT crops are tolerant to herbicides that farmers use to control weeds. The number of acres growing Bt crops and HT crops in the United States has increased dramatically since the mids. The use of stacked seeds has increased in the U. as well. in Other common GMO crops in the United States include:. These crops are the foundation for ingredients such as oils, sweeteners, and more that are used in many of the products sold on store shelves. Other GMO crops approved in the U. The debate about genetically modified organisms is ongoing, both culturally and politically.
Proponents say that the uses of GMOs improve the food supply by increasing or accelerating food production. Opponents say that the risks to both humans and genetically modified food background environment outweigh these benefits.
The World Health Organization WHO states that GMOs currently available are no more likely to cause health problems than traditional foods, but it also states that foods need to be assessed on a case-by-case basis. In the U. According to WHO, genetically modified food background, no allergic effects have been found in GMOs on the market, genetically modified food background, and the possibility of gene transfers and outcrossing are low, genetically modified food background, though precautions are encouraged.
Other concerns about genetically modified crops include the farming practices that their use encourages. For example, studies have found that the use of glyphosate has increased significantly since the introduction of Roundup Ready crops. There are lingering questions in the scientific and environmental community about the impact on both human and environmental health as a result of this increase.
Glyphosate is classified as a probably human carcinogen , genetically modified food background. Another controversy surrounding GMOs involves their impact on the environment, such as the impact of Bt crops on non-target species. For example, bees are not considered to be a pest, but Bt crops still possibly cause harm to bee populations, which in turn impact the pollination of various ecosystems and crops.
Butterflies and birds are also cited as non-target species that could be affected, genetically modified food background. Additionally, pests or plants that are impacted are likely to eventually become resistant to the negative effects Bt crops might have on them, leading to an endless cycle of crops being altered further, followed again by further resistance from pests. This has been shown to happen genetically modified food background the growth of glyphosate-resistant weeds as a result of glyphosate being overused after the introduction of Roundup Ready crops.
The impact Bt and HT crops can have on organisms and microorganisms necessary for healthy soil also is a concern. Beyer CropScience. Food and Drug Administration. United States Department of Agriculture. World Health Organization. National Center for Biotechnology Information, U. National Library of Medicine. Environmental Health Journal. PubMed National Library of Medicine. Sustainable Businesses Organics Glossary. Table of Contents Expand. Table of Contents. What Are GMOs?
How GMOs Work. Genetically modified food background of GMOs. Are They Worth It? By Full Bio Follow Linkedin. Follow Twitter. Read The Balance's editorial policies. Key Takeaways Genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, are plants and animals with altered genetic makeup. GMOs are used widely in the United States, including GM corn, cotton, soybeans, and more. The World Health Organization states that GMOs are currently thought to be safe for humans, though their broader health and environmental impacts are still being investigated.
Article Sources.
Genetically Modified Foods and Their Pros And Cons
, time: 9:42Genetically engineered foods: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia

Jun 05, · Genetically modified (GM) technology is a highly controversial topic for today’s global food consumer. The commercial development of GM crops began in with GM corn and has expanded every The European Union already requires labeling of any food with 1 percent or more genetically modified ingredients. Indeed, a lot of the current wariness about GMOs began in Europe, where, according to agribusiness consultant Michael Harwood (MBA ’92), consumers have no independent scientific bodies like the FDA or Environmental Protection Genetically engineered (GE) foods have had their DNA changed using genes from other plants or animals. Scientists take the gene for a desired trait in one plant or animal, and they insert that gene into a cell of another plant or animal
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