Jul 16, · Davis, Thulani. “Girl-Child in a Foreign Land”. The New York Times 28 Oct. 9. Print. Kincaid, Jamaica. Lucy. New York, NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, Print. This book review on The Peculiarities of “The Tongue” from Lucy by Jamaica Kincaid was Jamaica Kincaid does just that in her short story, Girl. The narrative is presented as a set of life instructions to a girl by her mother to live properly in Antigua in the ’s. While the setting of the story is not expressly stated by the author in the narrative, the reader is able to understand the culture for which Girl was written Aug 07, · (5 pages) Views. “Girl’’ is a short story written by Jamaica Kincaid, originally published in the New Yorker magazine in The story was in the author first book, At the Bottom of the River (), which included a collection of many other short stories. “Girl’’ is a story about a relationship between a young teenager girl and her mother in St Johns, Antigua, in the West blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins
Girl by Jamaica Kincaid Essay | Free Examples
Her mother trains her how to be an ideal and respectable lady. She believes that she is the only person who can rescue the girl from a promiscuous life. She is convinced that the girl is almost lost because of the way she conducts herself Kincaid 4. The voice of the mother dominates the narrative. There are only two instances where the daughter interjects in response to her.
The language used by the maternal figure, girl by jamaica kincaid essay, as well as the instructions she gives to her daughter, tell a lot about her character. It also describes the relationship she has with the girl. The mother shares her knowledge on domestic code of conduct with her daughter.
It is an indication of her intelligent nature. She knows how to co-exist with other people. She commands the respect of family members and the society.
She has wide knowledge on domestic matters Kincaid 4. The woman is also compassionate. She cares about her daughter and warns her against being careless with her sexuality, girl by jamaica kincaid essay.
Whenever the daughter says something that is unusual, the mother reprimands her. She tells the girl that she needs to be a domestic professional. The woman does not expect any objection from her child. The daughter has been denied the freedom to make her own decisions on whether or not to be domesticated Kincaid 5.
She is a street mother who leaves no room for negotiations with regards to female respectability. A critical review of the narrative reveals that the woman is outdated. She holds old-fashioned opinions about what a woman should be. In addition, she is convinced that a woman should be a domestic helper Kincaid 3.
She is an active participant in various issues both at the family and at the community level. For example, she is involved in such community projects as fishing. However, she is also unsympathetic.
The woman does not give her daughter freedom to make decisions. On the contrary, she commands her by providing instructions Kincaid 3. The fact that girl by jamaica kincaid essay mother takes the time to guide her daughter is an indication of familial love. She expects a lot from the young lady. The girl is well aware of this fact. However, the strict instructions from the mother appear to intimidate the girl Kincaid 4.
The relationship between the two characters is very mechanical. For example, girl by jamaica kincaid essay, the conversation between them is one sided. The daughter is quiet and listens to the mother pensively.
The mother wants her daughter to be hygienic. She teaches her how to wash cloths, sweep the house, and clean the compound Kincaid 3. She wants her daughter to have morals.
She teaches her girl by jamaica kincaid essay sexual conduct befitting a well-bred girl. She shows her to conduct herself in front of men. The aim is to ensure that she gets a responsible husband Kincaid 3. However, the daughter feels like she is denied the freedom of self determination. She is not allowed to make her own decisions.
Her mother does not tell her how to become a career and modern woman, girl by jamaica kincaid essay. The mother expects her daughter to learn how to become a respectable strong woman like her. She forgets that strength is gained through experience and not instructions. She should give her daughter the freedom to think for herself, make mistakes, and learn from them, girl by jamaica kincaid essay. Kincaid, Jamaica.
At the Bottom of the River, New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, Literary Analysis: "Girl" by Jamaica Kincaid. This paper was written and submitted to our database by a student to assist your with your own studies. You are free to use it to write your own assignment, however you must reference it properly.
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Jul 16, · Davis, Thulani. “Girl-Child in a Foreign Land”. The New York Times 28 Oct. 9. Print. Kincaid, Jamaica. Lucy. New York, NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, Print. This book review on The Peculiarities of “The Tongue” from Lucy by Jamaica Kincaid was Girl Jamaica Kincaid Analysis Words | 6 Pages. Bryony Nguyen Catherine Conner English 99 20 November Girl by Jamaica Kincaid For centuries, women have had the role of being the perfect and typical house wife; needs to stay home and watch the kids, cook for husbands, tend to the laundry and chores around the house Essay On Girl By Jamaica Kincaid. Words4 Pages. “Girl” by Jamaica Kincaid “Girl” written by Jamaica Kincaid is an unusual text that depicts a mоther’s list оf rules that her daughter must fоllоw in оrder tо be accepted in sоciety. after reading this narrative fоr the first time, I read it as a resistant, I had nо idea what culture, time periоd оr what the true meaning behind this list was
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