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I do my homework in the morning

I do my homework in the morning

i do my homework in the morning

Jul 17,  · Similarly, waiting until the next morning to do your homework will probably result in a rushed or incomplete end result. 4. Prioritize by due date and importance. As you write assignments down in your planner throughout the week, make sure to write an “A” next to high priority tasks, a “C” next to lower priority tasks, and a “B 4. Do "Morning Routines" Drawings 5. Sing "The Morning Routines" song 6. Read classroom reader "Monster Mornings" 7. Do the "My Morning 1" worksheet 8. Play charades Wrap Up: 1. Set Homework: "My Morning 2" worksheet 2. See our "Warm Up & Wrap Up" lesson sheet. Lesson Procedure: Warm Up and Maintenance: See our "Warm Up & Wrap Up" lesson sheet The Quest Learning and Assessment System uses an extensive knowledge bank of over 60, questions and answers covering Math, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science,

Quest Learning & Assessment

For many parents, getting their kids to do their homework is a nightly struggle. Some kids refuse to do their homework. So why is homework time so difficult? The learning is structured and organized, and all the students are focusing on the same thing. In their mind, home is a place to relax, have a snack, listen to music, and play video games. If the homework struggles you experience are part of a larger pattern of acting out behavior, then the child is resisting to get power over you.

They intend to do what they want to do when they want to do it, and homework just becomes another battlefield. And, as on any other battlefield, parents can use tactics that succeed or tactics that fail. You will end up frustrated, angry, and exhausted, and your child will have found yet another way to push your buttons. And, even worse, i do my homework in the morning, they will wind up hating school and hating learning.

A major part of getting your child to do their homework lies in establishing a system so that your child comes to see that homework is just a regular part of home life. Accordingly, my first few tips are around setting up this system.

If you get the system right, things tend to fall into place. Put this system in place with your child at a time when things are calm and going well rather than during the heat of an argument. Then explain the system. When your kids come home, there should be a structure and a schedule set up each night.

I recommend that you write this up and post it on the refrigerator or in some central location in the house. Kids need to know that there is a time to eat, a time to do homework, and also that there is free time.

And remember, free time starts after homework is done. Homework time should be a quiet time in your whole house. The whole idea is to eliminate distractions. Instead, your child can read a book or a magazine in their room or work on longer-term assignments.

Consistently adhering to the homework time structure is important to instill the homework habit. Doing so will help children understand that evening quiet and study time is a part of everyday home life, just like chores. This habit will pay off when the real homework begins. For a lot of kids, sending them to their rooms to do their homework is a mistake. Many children need your presence to stay focused and disciplined. And they need to be away from the stuff in their rooms that can distract them.

You know your child best. If they do homework in their room, the door to the room should be open, and you should check in from time to time. No text messaging, no fooling around. Take the phone and laptop away and eliminate electronics from the room during study time. In short, you want to get rid of all the temptations and distractions. If your child is doing an hour of homework, have them take a 5-minute break every half-hour so that they can get up, have a snack, and stretch their legs.

Show your child empathy—how many of us truly enjoyed homework every night? But your child will be encouraged when they begin to have success with their work. Some kids have a hard time getting assignments started. They may be overwhelmed or unsure where to i do my homework in the morning. Or the work may seem too difficult.

If you have a child who has a hard time getting started, spend the first five minutes with them to get them over the first couple of hurdles, i do my homework in the morning.

Perhaps help them with the first math problem or make sure they understand the assignment. For many kids who are slow starters, hurdle help is very effective. Then your child has to work within that time frame. So if your child has a science project, help them manage and structure their time. For instance, if the project is due in 30 days, ask them:. As adults, we sometimes take for granted the habits we have spent a lifetime developing and forget that our kids are not there yet.

The way that I structure the weekend is that Sunday night is a school night, not Friday. They may have to put some time in on Saturday or Sunday during the day. But other than that, your child should have the weekend off too, just like adults do, i do my homework in the morning. Believe me, this is a highly effective consequence for kids because it creates a great incentive to get their work done.

If you can hold to this rule once and deal with the complaining, then next week the homework will be done. You can say:. Kids are involved in a lot of after school activities these days. I understand that. You need to get your work done first. The reward was an incentive to do well. One of the shortcuts we take as parents is to bribe our kids rather than rewarding them for performance.

It can be a subtle difference. A reward is something that is given after an achievement. A bribe is something you give your child after negotiating with them over something that is already a responsibility. If you bribe your child to do their homework or to do anything else that is an expected responsibility, then your child will come to expect something extra just for behaving appropriately.

Bribes undermine your parental authority as kids learn that they can get things from you by threatening bad behavior. Bribes put your child in charge of you. The appropriate parental response to not meeting a responsibility is a consequence, not a bribe, i do my homework in the morning. What makes an effective consequence?

An effective consequence motivates your child to good behavior. They put you back in control and teach your child how to problem-solve, giving your child the skills needed to be successful. And the next day, your child gets to try again to earn the privilege of electronics.

Short-term consequences like this are very effective. For more on consequences, read the article on how to give effective consequences to your child. Failure should be an option, and sometimes you just have to let your child fail. I do my homework in the morning often do their kids a disservice when they shield them from the consequences of their actions. And they should experience the discomfort that results from their behavior.

Let me be clear. Your child will learn that if they screw up enough, Mom and Dad will take care of them. Keep discussions simple. Say to your child:. The sooner you get it done, the sooner you can have free time. Say this in a supportive way with a smile on your face. If your child refuses to do his or her work, then calmly give the consequence that you established for not doing homework.

Also, trying to convince your child that grades are important is a losing battle. To get your child to do homework, focus on their behavior, not their motivation. Rather than giving a lecture, just maintain the system that enables them to get their work done. Often, the motivation comes after the child has had a taste of success, and this system sets them up for that success.

For couples, it may be that one of you is more patient and acceptable to your child. Let that person take on the homework monitoring responsibilities. Find someone else or talk to the teacher about how your child can get the help they need. And try not to blame your child for the frustration that you feel. Remember that your child is doing the homework as a school assignment. The teacher will ultimately be the judge of how good or bad, correct or incorrect the work is.

Meet with the teachers at the beginning of the school year and stay in touch as the year i do my homework in the morning. And if your child does have problems, then communicate with their teachers weekly. Many schools have assignments available online, which is a big help for parents. Find out for yourself. The bottom line is i do my homework in the morning you want to hold your child accountable for doing their work, and you can only do that if you know what the work is.

Work with your child on a system to keep track of assignments. I recommend an old-fashioned paper calendar simply because we already have too many distracting electronics in our lives—experiment and use what works best for your child. Kids are expected to do some difficult work, and your child may struggle, i do my homework in the morning. If your child is having an especially hard time, talk with their teacher.

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